Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Under the Moon: A Catwoman Tale

The Essentials:

  • Publication date: May 7, 2019 by DC Ink
  • Advanced copy provided by Net Galley and the publisher for an honest review
  • Hashtags: comic, graphic_novel, young adult, tween (some swearing and violence)

My thoughts:

This is another example of using a known YA author, in this case, Lauren Myracle,  to tell a familiar origin story and give it new appeal for the next generation of comic book enthusiasts, especially females.  Myracle gives to Selina Kyle, aka catgirl aka future Catwoman all of the rage, stubborn pride and fierce compassion that will set the foundation for her future antihero antics. After all, the best heroes and the best antiheroes all have flaws as well as strengths. The fact that they are neither all good nor all evil is what makes these characters so appealing and timeless.

If you want more of these types of new unveilings for older characters, read Teen Titans: Raven written by YA author Kami Garcia.

Finally, I cannot say enough about Goodhart's powerful illustrations and the black and blue palette that just brings all the feels. His style of illustration stays loyal to the DC brand, but the color palette and the way his faces speak so loudly even amongst sparse text is very cool, very fresh, very contemporary.

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