Thursday, March 28, 2019

Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass #4)

My thoughts:

I don't have enough free time in the day or night to devour these, but usually by this time in a series, my interest waives. Not this time. My new understanding about the main characters:
  • Aelin the Schemer/Trickster/Queen reveals her super power and that is cunning and smarts.
  • Team Aelin and whoever makes her happy (Rowan for now) - but this just shows that she can save her own damn self
  • The loyalty and honor amongst the women in this series, even those who are enemies makes this stand out from other similar series. 
  • This one could actually end the series but the fact that it does not just means there is more disappointment ahead and we cannot make up any happy ending so have #5 in hand and expect heartbreak. 

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