Friday, March 18, 2022

A Park Connects Us (Picture Book)


My Thoughts:

This spoken word poem of a book talks about the connective power of a city park in bringing together diverse groups of people for diverse reasons to collectively enjoy the space and promise that a public park holds. I enjoyed the way some of the highlighted words created their own found poem within the text. This book acted as a call to action for me to remember other parks throughout space and time that have connected me to place, to activities, even to people who are no longer in this life. 

If you are in Hilo, Hawaii, please come to Lili'uokalani Gardens with its tea house and old sumo pitch on one edge, the natural brackish water ponds that are fed by Hilo Bay in the middle, as well as the Japanese garden touches like the stone lanterns, the torii or red gates and the Edo style rocks  that stand vigilant. On any given day, you will see walkers exercising around the 2.2 mile sidewalk that rounds the perimeter of this park. If you see people standing on the top corner across from the Hilo Hawaiian hotel, they are probably playing Pokemon. People walk their dogs along the paths at all hours. My husband can be seen fly fishing near the pavilion bridge or beneath one of the ironwood trees. There is a very smart fish that toys with him and slips away. People get married near the bamboo groves. High school prom courts have been taking court pictures at the park for as long as I can remember. Early in the morning on every July 4, families stake out areas to set up pop up tents and chairs ready to barbecue, swim, and play until the 4th of July Fireworks that are launched from Moku Olu Island. 

Like the book says, I hope that in your community, your city, your town you also have a public park that connects the generations too. (Pictures of Lili'uokalani Gardens below, including my husband fly fishing in the park).

From the Publisher:

An ode to urban parks and the many ways they connect us to community and nature

This picture book excursion through a city park invites readers to discover how shared green spaces bring us together. Lyrical, upbeat text illuminates the abundant gifts the park offers. Vibrant mixed-media illustrations show a diverse group of visitors as they explore this communal space. Children frolic; couples wander; flowers bloom and birds zoom; friends and families picnic and play ball or simply sink their toes peacefully into the present moment. Meanwhile, rolling hills and green trees enfold visitors in nature’s beauty. Encouraged by the sense of unity the park creates, the visitors come together for a joyful dance party and a march for peace and equality. Spread by spread, we see how urban parks are for everyone—whoever we are.

This love letter to public parks depicts an inclusive and accessible space where community flourishes. Without a screen in sight, it gently hints at the adventures to be had offline and encourages readers to venture into nature and connect with their neighborhoods. Back matter provides a brief history of urban parks in North America and highlights park successes around the world.

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