Sunday, January 28, 2018

13 Little Blue Envelopes

This is almost like the best of the 39 Clues series. Instead of Grace Cahill changing her will and sending her descendants on a wild chase around the world for her inheritance, this story is about Ginny and the 13 envelopes left by her aunt that leads her not to treasure, but to finding out more about herself through a series of tasks through Europe. She cannot open the next letter until she finishes the task in the previous letter so built in curiosity. 

This is a good book suggestion for SSR (sustained silent reading) or whatever teachers are calling that when they give their students a little bit of time to read in class from a book of their choice. The chapters are short enough to finish quickly and the story is not complicated enough if you are only giving yourself 20 minutes, 3 times a week to read. I say 6th grade because no one older would really believe that parents would allow a 17 year old to just leave and travel alone in Europe. Who knows? Maybe parenting has changed, but the parents are not in this book at all nor do they seem concerned about her whereabouts, so perhaps this is unrealistic at any age. Still, the story begged to be read to the end so I'm passing it on. 

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