Saturday, August 26, 2023

A Sky of Paper Stars


My Thoughts:

Yuna is having a middle school identity crisis. With her ultra Korean, conservative family, she does not get to go to sleepovers like her other friends. She also feels like she does not fit in with the other kids in her school because her mom makes her Asian lunch versus a "normal" American lunch. She remembers what her grandmother taught her in Korea about origami folding 1,000 stars to make a wish. But her wish, in a cruel jolt of irony, is granted and her family goes to Korea. The sad thing, though is that she does not fit in Korea either.  She is too Korean in America and too American in Korea.

Besides teaching readers how to fold the paper stars, this graphic novel is a bittersweet story about grief, acceptance, identity, and holding on to family. If readers find healing in this graphic novel, give them Sheets by Brenna Thummler, also a graphic novel around loss and grief. Or if they want to read a novel, give them the just released Lei and the Fire Goddess by Malia Maunakea, which is also about not fitting in, as well as the relationship between a grandmother and a granddaughter. 

From the Publisher:

All Yuna wants is to belong. She wants to go to sleepovers, have a smart phone, and go to summer camp―just like her friends in middle school.

Furious at her Umma for never packing her a “normal” American lunch, they get into yet another fight. Out of options and miserable, Yuna remembers a legend that her grandma, Halmoni, told her. If you fold 1,000 paper stars, you will be granted one wish.

When she reaches 1,000 paper stars, Yuna wishes for her family to move back to Korea, where she can finally be normal. Seconds later: a knock at her door. It’s her sister with devastating news. Halmoni has died and they must go back to Korea to attend the funeral.

Yuna knows this is all her fault. As her guilt builds, her body begins to turn into paper. Yuna realizes she must undo her wish and bring her Halmoni back―or turn into paper forever.

Wholly heartbreaking and with light touches of magic realism, 
A Sky of Paper Stars is a captivating graphic novel about identity, family, and the love that can bridge generations.

Publication Information:

Author/Ilustrator: Susie Yi

Publisher: Roaring Book Press (September 26, 2023)

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