Monday, August 29, 2022

The Art of Prophecy


My Thoughts:

This fantasy, action, martial arts book is like a mini Game of Thrones in the backstabbing and betrayal. It is also like Game of Thrones in that you have to keep track of many characters as the chapters move the reader around until the fighting comes to a head in the "non-ending" continuation that is this book one. 

What makes this different is the irony that the young warrior, chosen because of a prophecy becomes inconsequential with the death of the great Khan.  In addition, a master wind whisperer, Taishi,  an older female warrior, long past her prime is sent to assess this young Wen Jian, the Prophesied Hero of Legend, and he is found lacking. He has potential, but first he must be broken. The funny verbal jabs between the two are really what make the two of them so endearing. 

The story consists of a complicated series of relationships and betrayals that keep readers on their toes. After all, anyone can die at any time so do not get too invested in some of the main characters. It has the potential to be that kind of book with the complicated choreography of different styles of fighting.  However, I do wish that I could have a map or genealogy. Anything to keep the characters straight would be nice. 

This book just came out in August, so this will probably be a reread in about a year when the next one drops.

From the Publisher:

So many stories begin the same way: With a prophecy. A chosen one. And the inevitable quest to slay a villain, save the kingdom, and fulfill a grand destiny.
But this is not that kind of story. 
It does begin with a prophecy: A child will rise to defeat the Eternal Khan, a cruel immortal god-king, and save the kingdom. 
And that prophecy did anoint a hero, Jian, raised since birth in luxury and splendor, and celebrated before he has won a single battle. 
But that’s when the story hits its first twist: The prophecy is wrong. 
What follows is a story more wondrous than any prophecy could foresee, and with many unexpected heroes: Taishi, an older woman who is the greatest grandmaster of magical martial arts in the kingdom but who thought her adventuring days were all behind her; Sali, a straitlaced warrior who learns the rules may no longer apply when the leader to whom she pledged her life is gone; and Qisami, a chaotic assassin who takes a little too much pleasure in the kill.
And Jian himself, who has to find a way to become what he no longer believes he can be—a hero after all.

Author: Wesley Chu
Publisher: Del Ray
Publication date: August 9, 2022

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