Saturday, June 5, 2021

All Are Welcome

 I believe in inclusivity and that really, all are welcome, which means that I try to read widely for lots of different readers in the middle grades and YA, realm. That being said, it is Pride Month but I do not have any of these books. It is not that I do not read books with LGBTQIA characters, more that I choose books for other reasons, and if they have LGBTQIA characters, then that just adds to the depth of the story. Just a quick look on this blog shows me some of the books that I tagged, but my tagging is also not a scientific process as I am only playing a librarian, and not truly a librarian, so my ragtag list:

Black Wings Beating by Alex London

Warrior of the Wild by Tricia Levenseller

whatever: or how my junior year became totally f$@ked by s.j. goslee

Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera

Skim by Mariko Tamaki

I do not have any of the books above, but they are very attractive posters. Here is what I have in my queue:

1. The Witch King To save a fae kingdom, a trans witch must face his traumatic past and the royal fiancé he left behind. This debut YA fantasy will leave you spellbound. Review

2. The Passing Playbook Love, Simon meets Bend It Like Beckham in this feel-good contemporary romance about a trans athlete who must decide between fighting for his right to play and staying stealth.

3. How to Become a Planet “As always, Melleby naturally integrates her queer protagonist’s discovery of her sexuality into a larger story. The love of space that Pluto shares with her mother (whose own stress level is honestly portrayed) informs her way of thinking about herself and the world; Pluto’s interest in the history of the Challenger disaster is just one reason this introspective novel might appeal to fans of Erin Entrada Kelly’s We Dream of Space.” - The Horn Book Magazine

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