Sunday, May 16, 2021

Review: The Iron Raven (Book 1 Everfall)


My Thoughts:

Fantasy, fey, girl power author Julie Kagawa is the Danielle Steel of YA fantasy books. In the Iron Series, Kagawa has created a formula that will work every time for her in the same way that Ms. Steel has figured out the formula for adult romance. First, Kagawa creates a world, or series of worlds that will continue to provide enough conflict and intrigue to keep the long living fey in business for a long time (think Lord of the Rings). Second, her characters are flawed in the best way. They are both powerful and vulnerable, loving and petty. They make the best heroes because they are also at times villains. 
This particular book follows Puck, or Robin Goodfellow of Shakespeare fame and enemy and bromance companion to Ash, son of Mab and prince consort of Megan, the Iron Queen. We also get to root for Megan and Ash's son Kieran, King of the Forgotten as Kieran, Puck and Kieran's silent assassin Nyx fight an evil that seems unbeatable. 
Fantasy readers know that Kagawa will weave a great adventure and then leave just when another somewhat larger problems comes up. I think that Kagawa uses Grimalken as her own voice of the narrator interjecting and moving the story along just enough before the narrator fades back into the background. 
Readers of Kagawa will not be disappointed, but if you are restless for Everfall Book 2, then hold off on reading this, or read it and go to other YA fantasy authors. There are many in this blog alone. 

From the Publisher:

Robin Goodfellow. Puck. Prankster, joker, raven, fool… King Oberon’s right-hand jester from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The legends are many, but the truth will now be known, as Puck finally tells his own story and faces a threat from a time before Faery began. A threat that brings him face-to-face with a new enemy…himself.
With the Iron Queen Meghan Chase and her prince consort, Puck’s longtime rival Ash, and allies old and new by his side, Puck begins a fantastical and dangerous adventure not to be missed or forgotten. Evenfall is coming, and with it a reckoning that even their combined powers and wits may not vanquish, as a shadow falls over the lands of Faery and the world slips into chaos.

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