Tuesday, February 23, 2021



My Thoughts:

This is not an American comic, but comes from Europe Comics, however, I found the publication date of Jan 20, 2021 a little ironic based on this story. The description from the publishers is below, however, in this sort of surreal time in America when we "peacefully" transitioned on a cold January 20 morning from one President (Trump) to another (Biden), things looked peaceful on the surface until you look closely at what was missing: crowd of people replaced by flags along the reflection pool, socially distanced folding chairs on the dais, no sign of the former president or the vice president at the inauguration, no exchange of gifts from the outgoing first family to the incoming first family. . . I think the inhumanity of the inauguration came from the idea that we are all on our computers or on our televisions watching things unfold as if it is a play. There were no shots of what we see as real people. The people on camera, for the most part, are always on camera. I miss the humanity of watching real people react to what is going on onstage. I miss the humanity of real people streaming out of the public transportation stations to take part in what should be the people's celebration. It was inhuman. 

That is the lens through which I read this comic - that constant searching for the inhuman below the surface and that is exactly what this book delivers. What struck me as I was reading this on the plane (besides the fact that I was hoping that no one was walking past my screen since the primitive humans are naked) was that it amazes me that we as humans continue to have the power to destroy all life as we know it. If you look at us individually: our physique, our natural skills and talents, it is amazing that we have survived this long. Not only survived, but over thrived to the point that we are able to extinguish and destroy other life forces to the point of non existence. We are natural colonizers. Perhaps that is our power, but all it takes is another sentient being with that colonizer mentality and we do not stand a chance as humans. Lights out. The question is who are the authors referring to with the title Inhuman. Is it the giant squids or is it us? 

From the Publisher:

A small exploratory vessel crashes onto an unknown ocean planet after its crew is seized by a sudden madness. After escaping their sinking ship, the five survivors are helped to the surface by giant squid-like creatures who guide them to what appears to be the planet’s only island. To their surprise, they are greeted on the shore by primitive humans, who prove to be welcoming despite their cannibalistic rituals. But their fixed smiles and total docility suggest that something more sinister is going on. Are the castaways doomed to join them in submitting to the will of the mysterious Great One?

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