Sunday, September 15, 2019

Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters

I am currently teaching a secondary language arts methods course for my teacher candidates and I was looking through my picture books to model ways to use picture books in writing workshop, even reading workshop. This one, written by President Barack Obama and illustrated by Loren Long models repetition, but it also  models how to use research in very simple ways.

The pattern is something like. . ."Have I told you that you are an explorer? A man named Neil Armstrong. . .he taught us. . ."

At the end, there are short biographies of each person that Obama ties to a certain characteristic or value that he sees or hopes for in his own daughters. I think starting this way would be more engaging for students and it encourages:

  • group collaboration and writing
  • choice
  • blending of art and writing
  • authentic product
  • real audience

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