Saturday, April 7, 2018

Denmark Vesey's Garden

Like Sachiko by Caren Stilson, I have been on the hunt for a well researched multi genre mentor text on slavery. The introduction to this book promises just that:
Denmark Vesey's Garden - the first book to trace the memory of slavery from its abolition in 1865 to the present - offers historical context for this contemporary divide. 

This book, on the complexity of black history in America, uses  Charleston, South Carolina to tell a much larger story about race relations.  This extensively researched book covers both what is known and what is normally hidden (or forgotten).   Although this is not for my audience of middle level readers, this is definitely a powerful resource for my social studies colleagues who are interested in bringing into their classroom larger ideas around perspective, historic empathy and the grayness of cause and effect. 

An early digital copy was provided by Net Galley and the publisher for an honest review. 

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