Wednesday, May 18, 2016

100 Days

In short:
I can't say much about this book without giving too much away. Very early on, you will figure out where this book is going to end barring any surprises so I don't need to say too much about the plot. I think it is like driving to work or riding to school. You know the route right away. This is not a journey, it's the same route and you can take that route in your sleep, so just look out the window and enjoy the company. 

My thoughts:

I liked the cover until I finished the book and re-looked at the cover. I am not fond of the cover at all. With alternating perspective chapters of the three characters, I have a distinct vision of each character based on what they say, feel, experience, as well as what the remaining two characters feel and say about themselves and each other. This type of writing technique hones in on character and rounds each character out which is probably why the generic Leggo people look of the cover is now unacceptable. I would rather have an abstract cover.

Despite that major complaint, I did not hate the book. I thought it was fine, even if the end was obvious. The characters were likable, complex, teen angsty, easy to read, sweet, sentimental, sad. It has all the elements that my students will want. It should do well.

Publication date: August 23, 2016. Advanced copy provided by Net Galley dot com for an honest review.

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