Sunday, November 8, 2015

Sunday Classics: The Giver Quartet

When I was a high school teacher, I always thought The Giver was too low level for students. When I was an 8th grade teacher, I thought The Giver was too low level for students. I had read it early on in my career, but 23 years later as I am planning my college-level introduction to teaching course I figure I want to read something light and fast and the whole Giver quartet popped up on my Oyster list.

If you have not re-read or read this book, no matter what age you are, READ it. This is what dystopian literature was about before dystopian literature was relegated to the upper teen YA authors who wanted to put sex, lust and model-licious heroes and heroines into dystopian literature. 
 I mean seriously, are there no ugly people in fiction anymore? I guess that is why I really like Girl of Fire and Thorns mostly because she is fat. But that is one reason why I really liked this series. The characters were not all beautiful, the characters had gifts, but they had to work together, and there was a large amount of compassion. Plus, Lois Lowry as an author has racked up a fair share of awards because, simply, she is a great writer. As an adult I love her writing style, but even for upper elementary and tween readers, she writes well without dumbing down vocabulary, concepts or themes.

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