Thursday, February 18, 2010

Booking Through Thursday - Olympic Reading may have noticed–the Winter Olympics are going on. Is that affecting your reading time? Have you read any Olympics-themed books? What do you think about the Olympics in general? Here’s your chance to discuss!

I don't have any Olympics reading, but I do love the Olympics. It's not really the sports, but the stories behind the athletes, and there are many. I love being one of a million people really rooting for the Chinese pair skaters, Shen and Zao who have been skating together for 18 years, and came to the Olympics with every honor except the Olympic gold medal. I cheered and cried when they won. Didn't you?
Do I read less during the Olympics? No. I actually finished The Choice while watching Shawn White, the flying tomato, win the half pipe gold medal last night. Thank goodness for DVR.

Do you have any Olympics readings?


Anonymous said...

That's great that you can multi-task and read and watch at the same time. Unfortunately, I think I have adult ADD or something - I can only focus on one thing at a time. :)

Cathy Ikeda said...


Yes, I'm actually listening to the television, and then when my family reacts to something, they let me rewind the tv so I can see it.

Jen at Introverted Reader said...

I'm not a crier, but the background stories on some of these athletes will almost get me there! Especially the ones from smaller countries who just have some sort of "make-do" training area in the middle of a war or some other huge obstacle.